自由潛水|Freediving Level 2
讓我們一起被更深的湛藍環抱,感受自由潛水中最有魅力的Free Fall。
- 基礎學科(一堂)
- 泳池訓練(二堂)
- 海洋訓練(四堂)
- 學科│筆試80分以上
- 術科│靜態閉氣2:30
- 術科│動態平潛50米 (有蹼)
- 術科│法蘭佐平壓下潛20~30米
- 術科│15米BO救援
- 術科│15米徒手上升
- 術科│15米無面鏡上升
- 術科│50米水面拖帶
- 術科│開放水域LMC救援

- 所有課程訂金均為3,000元整,剩餘差額須於學科上課前繳清。
※ 收到訂金與資料後,「野孩子的生活 Wild Kid's Life」會至 SSI 全球官網註冊您的學籍。一經註冊,請恕無法退訂金。
學費包含: 數位教材、教練費、泳池場地費、海洋實習保險及數位證照申請。
學費不含: 裝備 ( 面鏡、呼吸管、配重帶、防寒衣、蛙鞋 ) 、餐飲、交通、住宿等費用。
※ 裝備部份可向野孩子的生活租借,1500元/套,使用期間為一個完整課程。
※ 交通及住宿部分,若有需要可詢問能否代為安排。
- 訓練期間經由主持教練認定是否通過結訓,依學員所學程度要求複習或延訓。若學員須複習或延訓,訓練費、裝備使用費、泳池場地費用、
氣瓶費與保險......等費用需另外自付。 - 課程約定日期更改須提前14天告知。14天內更動或無故缺課,須額外負擔 1,500 元。若因身體不適而缺課,需出示醫院掛號收據,可免除額外負擔。
- 學員自行放棄課程,不予以退費。若因身體不適且經醫生證明不宜從事潛水活動者,訓練費用退費方式依不同課程而有區別,請聯繫潛水中心。
- 訓練期間訓練中心如有提供或租借合身且功能正常的輕重裝備給予學員,學員有義務保護與照顧上課時所提供的個人裝備。若上課過程中發生裝備故障或穿戴不合適,請主動告知教練,訓練中心有義務更換。提供的裝備若有毀損或遺失,則照器材原價賠償,敬請愛惜使用。
- 受訓期間皆有教練或助教在旁攝影保留珍貴的時光,為了安全考量與避免分散注意力,請勿邀請親友在水中觀摩上課過程。
- 訓練過程中遲到早退將嚴重影響課程進度,造成額外的教學負擔,請務必準時上課。
- 上課地點的往返交通費用請自行處理,若開放水域實習需幫忙安排共乘交通,請跟客服協定。
- 結訓之學員須達到各項課程的評鑑標準,包含學科筆試與術科技巧評核。
術科技巧評核則是將平靜水域實習所學的指定潛水技巧在開放水域中操作,由教練評核確認該項技巧達標即可。 - 一旦學員結訓後,訓練中心將即刻完成 SSI 證照申請作業,學員可立即取得線上證照。
- All course deposits are $ 3,000 NTD, and the remaining balance must be paid before the course starts.
※ After receiving the deposit and information," Wild Kid's Life" will register your student status on the SSI global official website. Once registered, you cannot cancel the deposit.
The course fee includes: digital teaching materials, coach fees, swimming pool site fees, marine internship insurance and digital license application.
The course fee does not include: equipment , meal, transportation, accommodation, etc.
The equipment can be rented from the Wild Kid's Life, 1500 NTD / set, the use period is a complete course.
For transportation and accommodation, if necessary, you can askif you can arrange it on your behalf.
- During the training period, the instructor will determine whether to pass the final training, and review or extend the training according to the level of the students. If students need to review or extend training, training fees, equipment usage fee, pool site fee, gas cylinder fee and insurance... etc. must be paid separately.
- Changes to the agreed date of course must be notified 14 days in advance. Changes or unexcused absences within 14 days will incur an additional burden of 1,500 NTD. If you miss course due to physical discomfort, the hospital registration receipt is required to avoid the extra burden.
- For students who abandon the course on their own or who are unfit for diving due to physical discomfort andcertified by a doctor, the training fee refund method varies according to different courses. Please contact the diving center.
- During the training period, if the diving center provides or rents suitable and functioning equipment to the students, the students are obliged to protect and take care of the equipment provided during course. If the equipment fails or is not worn properly during course, please take the initiative to inform the coach, and the diving center is obliged to replace it. If provide equipment have any damage or loss will be compensatedaccording to the original price of the equipment, please use it with care.
- During the training period, there will be coaches or assistants taking pictures to keep precious time. For safety reasons and avoid distraction, please do not invite relatives and friends to observe in the water during thecourse process.
- Arriving late and leaving early during the training process will seriously affect the progress of the course and cause additional teaching burden. Please be sure to attend the course on time.
- Please handle the round-trip transportation costs to the course location by yourself. If you need to help arrange shared transportation for the open water course, please make an agreement with the customer service.
- Trainees who have completed the training must meet the evaluation standards of various courses, including subject written examinations and technical skills assessment. The designated diving skills of the instructor can be used in open water, and the skills can be verified by the instructor.
- Once the trainees finish training, the diving center will immediately complete the SSI diver license application, and the trainees can immediately obtain the online license. If needed the physical license, the fee for applying for the physical license is $ 200 NTD. After the application, the diving center will obtain the physical license within two weeks and the trainees will be notified to receive it.
Remind you: If you have pregnancy, epilepsy, cardiovascular disease, severe respiratory disease (asthma) or
Remind you: long-term prescription for chronic diseases, please do not sign up.
Remind you: If you have other health concerns, please ask before registering. Thank you for your cooperation.